I Help Women Break Patterns And Belief Systems Of The Old Record That Just Keeps Jumping Back So They Can…

Reconnect To Their Divine Heart

Tap Into Their Divine Wisdom

Express Their Divine Truth

Reconnect To Their Divine Heart

Tap Into Their Divine Wisdom

Express Their Divine Truth

Free Guide: The Ultimate Divine Connection Booster

Discover a simple step by step formula that helps healers & highly sensitive women create stability, clarity & impact in their lives by overcoming their 3 most common mistakes…

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Healing Stories

How To Use Your Intuition To Move From Uncertainty To Empowered And Unveil Your Inner Gifts

The Story Of Going From Exhaustion To Balanced Through Quantum Healing.

Story Of Finding Purpose, Meaning, Releasing Old Baggage And Embracing The Real You.

Work With Nicole

Embrace Your
Divine Power

Is a year long program with private sessions and coaching. You have been giving a lot of energy in all facets of your life and now feel overwhelmed, not knowing how to come back to a place of peace in your heart and the joy of living as your authentic self.

However, you know deep down that there is something calling you but can’t seem to reach it. This is why Embrace Your Divine Power can greatly benefit you. With the tools I have developed alongside Divine Presence we can remove the blocks, thought forms, and limiting patterns that will allow you to rediscover the joy of your heart, embrace your divinity, and live fully from that space of knowing.

Unveil Your
Inner Gifts

Is a 90 day program with private sessions and coaching. You have come to the right place if you wish to connect to your inner gifts, want to expand your knowledge,[1] or simply desire to reconnect to your intuition after going through some difficult experiences.

The only problem is you don’t know where to start, you feel inexperienced, vulnerable or even afraid to open up to these natural gifts you have.

I know this feeling all too well. I have experienced all of the above including even refusing my natural inner gifts, until one day I finally accepted they were part of me and my essence. I could no longer escape them and instead of fighting or ignoring them, I chose to learn how to work with them. You can, too.

Soulful Journey

Are you struggling to find balance in your life? Have you experienced events or situations that have shaken your entire being to the core? Are you uncertain or feeling lost on what the best next step is to realign yourself to your Divine Heart?

If any of these feel true for you, then this powerful Journey is for you. If you are ready to allow the Divine Energy to flow to you and through you, I will accompany you on your journey to clear old energies that keep you in a repetitive pattern. It is time for you to free yourself from all those blocks & attachments that keep you stuck in this loop.

Together, we will create a safe environment for you to be able to open yourself to your Divine Heart & bring the transformation needed to claim your power back and create positive, long-lasting changes in your life.

These sessions are done through profound inner work. Through the coaching/mentoring, we will also work with your Guides, Angels & your Divine Presence.

Want to know more about how I can help you in this way?

Quantum Healing Journey

Do you experience recurring pain? Have you tried multiple ways to release it and yet it keeps coming back? Do you sense the remnants of a past trauma being part of this pain loop? Your body needs support to heal itself?

Perhaps it’s time for the Quantum Healing Journey.

In our sessions, we will go beyond the physical body and collect the dimensional data your Being holds and reveals using Aboukra energetics.

Aboukra is an ancient shamanic healing art once practiced widely across Ancient Egypt. It strengthens and balances the human energy field and Egyptian meridians, called pathways.

These sessions will empower you to transform on many levels and dimensions. And fast!

You can create the changes in your life that your heart desires, and the Quantum Healing Journey can assist you.

Want to know more?


Your divine gifts as a healer, teacher and spiritual guide, You provide a safe and compassionate space to explore inner most feelings and fears and offer tools to heal and overcome barriers to spiritual growth. Your divine wisdom lifts up our stories and illuminates the bigger picture so those old full color stories shift to a quiet, black and white background. Your coaching and guidance opens up space for self- empowerment and building one’s “spiritual muscle.”

Lori B.

“Thank you for the session. My work day had me feeling anxious and this session helped calm the buzzing feeling I had inside from all the stress. I was able to stop focusing on the stress and get through the day with a calm state of mind."
Mat H.
"Today was pretty powerful and I thank you. Throughout the program I learned to recognize, love, and approve of myself. It brought more lightness and ease of letting go of old stuff. Working from the inside first changes the outside. I learned to trust my intuition and embrace more of my light and Divine Self."

The Journey To Healing


Letting go of all that does not serve you anymore. Making room within for all the new energies of love to come in and fill you.


Once all that needed to be cleared has been cleared, you will renew the deep connections within your heart with your soul and Divine Presence.

<span data-metadata=""><span data-buffer="">REVOICE

Re-voice to stand in your power. Allowing the free flow of sound and committing to celebrating the power of your voice.


Letting go of all that does not serve you anymore. Making room within for all the new energies of love to come in and fill you.


Once all that needed to be cleared has been cleared, you will renew the deep connections within your heart with your soul and Divine Presence.

<span data-metadata=""><span data-buffer="">REVOICE

Re-voice to stand in your power. Allowing the free flow of sound and committing to celebrating the power of your voice.

About Nicole

Hi, I’m Nicole Thibodeau, a Channeler, Mentor and Author of Back to Love Again, A Giver’s Guide to Reconnect with Your Inner Strength.

I support women who are answering their Soul’s calling to open their hearts and connect deeply to their divine self so that they receive more clarity, balance, and harmony in their lives. Using tools, guidance, and a supportive space, I help them integrate and bring back the higher frequencies of the Divine Blueprint of their Soul and Higher Self.

Free Guide: The Ultimate Divine Connection Booster

Guide Gratuit: L'ultime amplificateur de connexion divine

How To Use Your Intuition To Move From Uncertainty To Empowered And Unveil Your Inner Gifts

During the Unveil Your Inner Gifts program, Sophia was navigating a number of uncertain and stressful personal matters — but Nicole empowered Sophia with tools and techniques that helped make her feel grounded and connected.

Sophia continued to create a strong foundation where she felt safe, loved, and supported. Then she was able to connect openly to her inner gifts, accept them as part of herself, and allow them to be expressed.

She is now able to connect deeply to her intuition and share the messages that come to her clients while doing healing energy work. She has seen huge shifts in her energy as it became more magnetic. Even during the first few weeks of the program, she began attracting a stream of new ideal clients with ease and quickly manifested financial abundance.

The Story Of Going From Exhaustion To Balanced Through Quantum Healing

DL was in a state of total exhaustion for a few months. The energies were so strong for her nervous system that her whole head, even her chest, was in constant inflammation. Despite taking a lot of natural tonics, going for walks in nature, and regulating her body and chakras, her whole body was exhausted!

One night she dreamt that two Beings of Light came to seek her to help her pass on the other side. She told them: “Not immediately, wait a little more…” and then contacted me for a dimensional healing session.

The following few days after working with me her lower chakras vibrated strongly and the inflammation in the chest and head decreased greatly! A balance occurred between the top and the bottom of her body. She had more strength and resistance. The great heaviness of emotions had disappeared, too! She felt uplifted, encouraged, and motivated to live the best, most improved version of herself!…

If you want to know how dimensional healing can help you then let’s talk.

Story Of Finding Purpose, Meaning, Releasing Old Baggage And Embracing The Real You.

LB was fearful and did not completely trust her intuitive gifts. She struggled with her ability to embrace her divine power and was stuck on her spiritual path.

With each lesson of the Embrace Your Divine Power program, she began to feel reassured which encouraged her to push herself forward even though she often experienced resistance along the way. She gently began opening her heart to explore and embrace her divine power, experiencing gentle, uplifting shifts in her energy and sense of well-being.

LB began to:

● Feel the emotional energy of her heart center and its palpable flow of love.
● Be able to recognize and embrace her intuitive power when it is activated.
● Be aware of “being” much more than her physical body.
● Be aware of the connection she has at all times to her higher self, support, protection, and guidance.
● Learn the importance of grounding her pillar of light to feel joy, support, and

With greater compassion for all parts of herself that have been injured, hurt, and dishonored, she gently shifted into clarity and empowerment. She now experiences the heart felt feelings of Divine Love around her and flowing through her.

Her fears have diminished and her understanding of universal energy is expanding. She is much more self-assured and can trust her intuitive gifts. She feels relieved of old baggage and blocks. She can more freely experience and explore her gifts and spirituality without fear.

She continues learning and experiencing sustainable advancement towards embracing her divine power as if someone removed the boulder that blocked a door along her spiritual path. She has shifted from a vague notion of having chakras to knowing and feeling where they are and when they are in or out of alignment.

She now has a clearer understanding of who she is and her connection to the earth and divine love.